April employment by category

The charts below show employment by category. The blue line is total employment in the category, the orange bar is monthly change and the red line is the linear regression in the last two years and in the last one year.

Total payroll increased 160k in April, after a 208k growth in March (which was revised down from 215k). The trend for the last 6 months slowed from 260k/month by the end of 2014 to 237k in the 6 months to December/15 to 220k in the 6 months to April/16.

Private payroll increased 171k in April, after 184k growth in March (revised down from 195k). The trend for the last 6 months slowed from 250k/month by the end of 2014 to 229k in the 6 months to December/15 to 212k in the 6 months to April/16.

Most of the slowdown in the pace of job creation was concentrated in the goods producing sector (mining and manufacturing); construction jobs are doing ok and the the services sector has, so far, not being affected by manufacturing slowdown. Overall, the 6-month pace of job creation in the goods sector slowed from 50k (at the end of 2014) to close to 18k at the end of 2015 and 16k by Apr/16, while in the services sector it slowed from 200k to 211k to 195k in the same comparison.

Full set of charts in the link: http://bit.ly/us-payroll-category-apr16